Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Happy Rubbish (Christmas Gays)

Our Mother has just been for her Christmas visit. Bless her for her presents. We could be in our 40s. Her presents included a Marvel desk calendar & a Marvel dressing gown. Great gifts for a comic book lover. As previously mentioned we are older. We like DC Comics, we hate Marvel. Rubbish Gays put the gown on, hood too. Thank you Mother.

Our sister went out & brought us back 20 cigarettes. Gawd blesh yer.

Monday, December 04, 2017

For The Twatty Hipster Who IS Everything

We Rubbish Gays hate hipsters. Our main point of contention today is represented by the above picture. Beard fucking Baubles. We first noticed the item in an email. We believed it was genuine but a little 'padded' as a gift. We then took a look. Oh my!! There is a range. We say 'range', in other words, more of the same. As you can see from the illustration, it's not a real beard. It's not a real person. In fact it just a female shop mannequin with old pubes stuck to it.

On a sidenote. These look AWFUL. Even if you are buying a treat for the hipster type. Do not buy these. Please.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Girls Rule. Women Are Funny, Bebe, Get Over Yourself, Seriously

[UPDATED 18/08/17]

'Funny women'(Sorry Babs, not you) as a type has been on the fence with us for a while. It is only this evensong we had even considered 'Is this Women-Gone-Wild any good, funny if you will? We were struck by the recent glut of these flicks, our sounding came forth.

Let's start with Bridesmaid's, well have only seen bits of it. Ghostbusters, well, the same. Bad Neighbors 2, now here we go. We remember the first one, a funny Rose Byrne, the always good Seth Rogan & the ultra-fit Zac Efron. It had moments were genuinely funny. The sequel? We do not remember er, finishing it. Shish! Again, why do we never finish things. It might take you a moment to read this sentence. We have gone and comeback from re-watching Bad Neighbors 2, just to...refresh memory? Are you buying that? We shall return, like Superman (only better). (PS We love Brandon Ralph, either then, the 'missing years' or now!! We would R(g)AY PALMer his dick for him, we hear like Liam Neeson he has a long cock that needs rolling back up)(This job we would do).


To update this current velum, we have re-watched (Bad) Neighbors 2. For some reason we assumed Drew Barrymore was in it. She isn't). After our shilly-shallying earlier we come suddenly to our review. It was....pretty, pretty good. However Seth Rogen in this film is funnier than all the other female cast members. In conclusion we suspect this was the wrong one to discuss on this subject.

Moving on didn't work for Bananarama, nor did it work for STEPS. Third time's the charm? So not actually moving on, Pitch Perfect. We really enjoyed this, Bridesmaids didn't see it all & Night at the Museum 3 we kind of liked. The Museum one isn't a 'Women-Go-Wild' film but is DOES feature Rebel Wilson. Now her, Rebel and Melissa McCarthy are the start of a perfect Wild movie recipe. Maybe with Kristan Schall and we suspect Samuel L Jackson, sounds tasty but as you can read we are not writers. BTW HOLLYWOOD JEW WRITERS GET ON BOARD, MAKE THIS!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2017


Yesterday Rubbish Gays saw this on there local Manchester Evening News website. Our first thoughts were, oh, hasn't he already? Isn't he back and forth to them like a game of ping-pong? Also, who cares? As far as we could assern our care level is at zero. News, yes, well kind of, -ish. Oh Tony, Tony, Tony...

Friday, June 30, 2017


Argh, we know it's Summer. It keeps getting lighter early (curse these these thin 'curtains'). Reminding us to go to bed, not accounting for the great doom that is USA TV's various 'season finale' paths. Yes, ALL and I mean ALL of my favorite TV shows have come to an end, Quantico, The Walking Dead, Supergirl, Gotham, etc. Un-yay!! We can finally pay attention to (urgh) tennis, or (bleagh) cricket. Now we will admit some of these seasons were overly long and some had the newish dearly invention 'mid-season finale'. As far as we know our favorites haven't been canceled like

Alphas, Almost Human and our last favorite Limitless, that in itself is good news. As manufactured serendipitous as the USTV Summer line-up is, we at Rubbish Gays instantly forget about them and delighted when they toll round again. In the olden days there seemed to be just True Blood. now it's filled with a Rubbishcopia rammed with Yggaystrail. Dark Matter, Zoo and Killjoys are three that are not The Walking Dead spin-offs.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

We are NOT anti-semitic but...

Let us begin earlier in the day. The Simpsons was doing a Posiden Adventure spoof. So we were but in mind of the remake, we tried to watch it once, it was too stretched, squashed, kinda Paula Abdulish. So after rush rushing to downloaded and put it on, we realized Richard Dreyfuss was in it. Hence our tag line. We assumed Richard was Jewish like Shelly Winters (If that is indeed right). As so older, Jewish, Poseidon, I thought he would play her. We remember more Bette Midler doing Shelly Winters. Anyhow, SPOILER SPACE Richard Dreyfuss does NOT play the Shelly Winters part drowning helping others. Again SPOILER SPACE he does die :(.

Poseidon as a film was on the menu. It was actually alright. Alas awful lines ahoy, "God, save our souls", said by the gay Captain from Brooklyn 99. As well as his prophetic line he also he to die in the arms of perfectly cast lounge singer Fergie. Again frowny face :(

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Beauty & The Bell-End

No matter what is said, we LOVE Once Upon A Time. Having just viewed the 2-parter season finale shown Spice Girl Style, 2 Become 1, really? Toward the end we actually cried tears (from our eyes this time, not our penises as before). As we were feeling sad AND with the show in point. We realled although it's going to reboot/hash, while we braced for impact, there was NO Michael Socha. He was cast as Will Scarlett, who if we are not mistaken, never met Robin Hood on screen. Pointless. Anhyhoo, Michael was well fit in Being Human, and we didn't see that E4 alien thing he was in. We at Rubbish Gays only have one more comment for him. That other one did Poldark (again, we have never seen), but I bet he gets a bigger dressing room.