Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Gaydar Inches Are Like Dog Years

Are you sure that's seven inches

This is fucking ace, all you mixed up Gaydar kids need to take a look at this. Correct methods/techniques for obtaining both length & girth measurements. Warning there are pictures of errect penises (peni?)!! Do NOT view at work, unless you are the big cheese.

[Rubbish TV on: Cutting Edge:I Confess - Channel 4 ]

Saturday, September 06, 2003

Friday, September 05, 2003

Ask Not For Whom The Toilet Rolls...

Double-plus naff!!
'Makes a great and unusual gift, good for a laugh every time!'
Is the jaunty strap-line for this 'item'. My freind used to have one with a radio & ash-tray on top.

'Installs in seconds... years of fun!'

Oh I am quite sure the joke wears thin very quickly.

[Rubbish music on: Sundown - S Club 8 ]

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Take this poll, and shove it up your arse!!

Closing likely tommorrow. How exciting, like when set of balls number 2 comes out!!

Like A Prayer

I love to hate you

Whilst browsing for offensive homo material I came across Betty Bowers. In one article she tips off other Baptists on how to spot a fag:

'Outside of Italian shoes, nothing sends up a rainbow-colored flare that you are dealing with a flaming homosexual more reliably than when a man breathlessly gushes the word "faaabulous!"'

In Manchester a way to spot a gay is to look out for the extra 'S' . This can be applied to most names, Eg Cruz 101 becomes Cruzes, Essential becomes Essentials, Manto Mantos, etc.... Not limited either to place names. For further info, please see Cheeky Girls and the top 3 hit 'Take your shoeses off'.
Two city centre gems in two minutes

As I was crossing Oldham Street today a man started to cross over with his dog. I noticed then the dog had only 3 legs, missing one of the front ones. This is not the amusing part. Standby. He called to the dog, "come on Ivor". Ivor 3-legged dog. How does it smell?? etc

There was a girl in front of me in the Superdrug queue. From behind I could see she had a pack of refill blades for Gillette lady razor things, but when she put her stuff down on the counter she had 2 boxes of condoms too. Maybe tonight was her lucky night. Fuck me though it cost her over a tenner!! The NOT rubbish thing about going to gay pubs & clubs, is the free condoms. I haven't had to pay for condoms for near 10 years now. I hope this sensible girl had a good time & got real VFM.

[Rubbish music on: Booty Call - All Saints ]